Peace and greetings to all!
My desire for you

- Pat Duffy, Jr
- Jinotepe, Nicaragua
- Hello, friends! I hope this story reaches you well and that God touch you in the depths of your heart. All we need to do is open them and our world CHANGES! Blessings, Pat.
April 15, 2012
November 18, 2011
Advent Conspiracy
11/12/2011 – JINOTEPE, NICARAGUA Partners In Mission Nicaragua believes that Christmas can [still] change the world and has partnered with ( to celebrate Christmas by spending less, giving more, worshiping fully and loving all this season.
Partners In Mission Nicaragua has partnered with Advent Conspiracy to raise $12,000.00 for the: Re-building the Village project.
We are conspiring in order to better serve Christ and put the Gospel in action by helping one family, one home, one house at a time. (See Our Video at:
The Advent Conspiracy is a grassroots movement with more than 1,000 churches in 17 countries participating as co-conspirators- with projects as varied as drilling a water well for those who lack access to clean water, building homes, providing medical attention or simply encouraging parishes and congregations to think of meaningful acts of kindness as meaningful gift options to replace traditional gifts.
Last year, through Advent Conspiracy, $3 Million was raised for relief projects. This year, Advent Conspiracy anticipates that individuals and churches will match last year’s commitment to charitable gifts and will make a lasting impact in communities around the world.
On a personal level, I have been dreaming of being a part of such a conspiracy for over 25 years and now I have now found it and invite you to join! Why join a conspiracy like this one?
One reason is to help bring the baby Jesus back to the center of Christmas and to begin to reject the endless consumerism we are bombarded with at Christmas time for a higher cause. Our Scriptures have revealed to us that Jesus came to Nazareth: which means he physically was born amid the littlest ones of this earth, he first came to the insignificant and unimportant ones in the eyes of this world. God has not changed; so too we must seek to serve him amongst the poor and the little ones of this earth. God comes at Christmas time to give us gifts of life, hope and meaning in our lives.
This year we would like to invite you to join us in a life giving conspiracy . We want to ask you to help us to restore the scandal of Christmas by joining our efforts here in Nicaragua. There are so many ways you can help. You can pray for us. You can come visit us. You can help us to build a home and you can make a contribution.
OR, you can request your family this year to make a donation to this project, in place of one more present this year. Whatever way you feel called, we thank you ahead of time and we wish you the truest Christ-filled Christmas possible.
Pat, Damarys, Chris and Raquel.
For more information about Advent Conspiracy, please visit:
To donate go to:
August 20, 2010
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